Abbott Circle

About Abbott Circle
In conjunction with Centennial year of the Museum of the City of New York and the launch of the inaugural edition of its Photography Triennial, MCNY is proud to announce the creation of the Abbott Circle, a group of the Museum’s most ardent photography fans and collectors.
It is named in honor of Berenice Abbott, famous for her documentation of New York City in the 1930’s, a project funded by the Federal Art Project and sponsored by the newly established Museum of the City of New York. This community will support the Museum’s collection of historical photographs and its investment in contemporary photographers who are documenting today’s ever-evolving New York. Abbott Circle members will gain unprecedented access to the Museum’s growing collection and a first-look at the contemporary photographers featured in its Photography Triennial.
Membership dues are: $5,000 annually
Benefits include:
- Invitation to the annual Abbott Society reception with Sean Corcoran, Senior Curator of Prints and Photographs, to view highlights of Museum’s photography collection, including recent acquisitions
- Advance preview of Triennial artists (every 3 years, upon selection) with curators and advisory team
- Two VIP tickets to AIPAD with a curator-led tour Periodic invitations to studio visits, gallery tours and private collections
- Priority reservations and free admission to MCNY public programming Complimentary Museum admission for you and a guest.
- Invitations to all Museum exhibition openings.
To learn more about the Abbott Circle, please email or call 917.492.3328